The artist’s action creates an environment in which drawing, painting, but also objects and materials develop into a complete overall work. The artist’s intervention initiates processes of change: the fire creates ash, the ice melts, the rain and humidity solidify the cement powder mixed with colored pigments, etc. The materials thus obtained are often reused and become part of the work.
SCHMELZE (melting), 3 Objekte mit Eis. Galerie Vor Ort. Hamburg 1982
ERINNERUNG AN POGGIOSECCO (memory of poggiosecco) 8 days – 8 drawings, exhibition from Hamburg artists. Hamburg Altona
THEKLAS SCHWERMUT (Theclas graduationo), Installation with cement and pigment, bricks and sticks, exhibition at Palazzo Piccolomini. Pienza 1981
KOHLEZEICHNUNG (Chalk drawing), Installation. Florence, Berlin 1981
RAMI (Branches), Drawing on paper, Installation. Florence 1984