MARTIN STREITENBERGER, born in Recklinghausen, Germany.
Studied at the Folkwangschule, Essen and at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste and University of Hamburg with Professors Dietrich Helms, Bazon Brock, Christian Beutler (Art History).
Scholarship of the German People, Florence, 1979/80.
Participation in exhibitions in Germany and Italy. Collaboration with architecture and design studios. Lives and works in Florence.







Martin Streitenberger has developed a diverse body of work over decades.
In successive work phases, one recognises the search for new forms of expression, which are not only bound to the traditional image.
First works originate in the eighties and range from drawing to painting, from photography to installation and material objects.
Over time, the material gains more co-determining influence, haptic experience complements the visual. Autonomy of colour flow, of layering of materials becomes part of the compositions. Collage becomes an important component. It brings together different elements and thus allows new compositions and artistic contents to emerge. Again and again he works on the topic of transformation, the changes in conditions and materials over time, as in the early years in the Ephemeral Drawings and later in the recurring works in the series Sediments.